Blog, YouTube

Editing Old Footage

Gang, I do not recommend filming countless hours of content over a twelve month period and then waiting THREE YEARS to edit it into watchable vlogs! Just don’t be that girl! Every two or three months sort your raw content and make folders for EVERYTHING!

Ok, now that I’ve hooked you with sound, all-caps advice let me tell you a little story.

It was December 2015. I was at the tale end of my bachelor’s degree, living the dream when suddenly it got immensely better and crazy complicated! Enter stage left a beautiful tiny baby, no I didn’t suddenly (cough cough finally!) get pregnant. God brought a sweet baby into our life, one who needed a safe place to be loved while his future sat very uncertain.

Now if you want to here more about that story, go right ahead. We are gonna take a rabbit trail. I decided I wanted to film every week of 2016, with a baby at home I wanted to capture every moment, partially for me, but mostly because wherever this baby landed I wanted him to have all those firsts recorded and saved.

So I started talking to the camera. As I would film I would talk like I was a “real” YouTuber. I turned it into part diary part milestone keeper for our little. Weeks turned into months and eventually years. I never stopped filming. I mean, I slowed down a little from time to time, but I never quit filming. But the big problem was I NEVER edited anything!!! I would watch stuff back, try to make sense of it… I was no use. Y’all I promise nothing is more infuriating than listening to yourself say, for the 40th time, that your “not sure what you’ve filmed” or you “will definitely edit next week”!

Come On Mom!

I knew this footage would sit on my computer or a thumb drive for a while, but oh how i wish I had just edited it together, or even sorted it, or just watched it to know what the flip I did and didn’t say from month to month!!

Geez! Anyway this cautionary tales has a golden nugget at the end, so if you made it this far than you can go right over here and watch this old footage I am in the process of putting into usable content. Keep checking the link! I’ll add more videos to the playlist as I get through them!
