
Benefits of Personal Development

A goal is a dream with its work boots on. -Rachel Hollis

Ok, raise your hand if you have heard to phrase ‘self care’ about one thousands times too many. …Great, now keep your hand up if you have the same reaction to the phrase ‘personal development’.

I know I can’t really see you. You have one of those webcam covers right? One can never be too careful. Anyway I’m guessing a fair amount of the world is tired of both of these ideas. I’m putting the blame on how quickly self care became code for me time, which is great in reasonable doses, but actually doesn’t produce anything. Now if that break keeps you from screaming at your kids or chopping off all your hair then I am here for it!

The thing I want you to know is there is a time for keep-me-calm-or-it’s-on solo time, and then there is the I-have-to-make-progress solo time. I have to admit I didn’t always know the difference. I was living in a fog for years, just going about the business of feeding and entertaining myself (and sometimes Derek). Then all of a sudden I was on this journey. Those first few months I couldn’t even see where I was going. I just knew I didn’t want to look back another ten years down the road and see all the other paths I could have taken. Paths to a healthier body, paths to fuller life with God, paths to even one of the ten dreams I write down every day. There was some crazy combination of tough love and inspiration that converged on me at the right time, and after that moment I was all in.

So here are the things that have changed.

  • I sleep better. – Yep. I don’t wake up feeling like I could cry because I’m so tired. I go bed early and get up early.
  • I FEEL healthier. – I’m not super food conscious, but I drink ALL THE WATER. I’m not a fitness lover, but I move my body every day. I’m still having too much soda sometimes, but y’all I haven’t had a Poptart in almost an entire year! And yes this is big. (I was eating one for breakfast EVERY DAY)
  • I believe hard days are part of the process. – The more I picture the end result the less I get sucked down by the days when I fail. I know progress is not a straight line.
  • I don’t let anyone’s opinion override my own. – As an enneagram 9, I will blend or shift to fit whoever I am around as a way to avoid conflict before it can even happen. This means I spent years not knowing myself and hiding that unknown self to keep the peace. Now I stand tall in my own space and take action toward my goals.

Each of these is a work in progress, but that is exactly where I need to be.

What about you? Where do you want to grow? What can you do today to make things just that little bit better?