Blog, Word

2021: Rest

I can’t believe I’m finally saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Y’all when I wrote my 2020 post and talked about how 2019 was my hardest year to date, I genuinely thought we’d be better off in 2020. Instead we got a dumpster fire right after a gauntlet. While I could ruminate on all the things that sucked instead I want to look at what he REDEEMED in 2020 and how God gave me ANOTHER re- word for 2021.

The Lemonade Stand

I think I can best describe my list of silver lining that came this year like a string of lemonade stands….you know you get handed lemons you do the best you can and make lemonade, or lemon tarts, or lemon cake, or all the above when a semi drops lemons on your house ha!

For example I occationally suffer from cold sores or fever blisters along my lip line. They are the worst and something I’ve had forever. In the time of Covid 19 and masks I have had more than usual, i.e. LEMONS….However the mandatory mask makes covering those outbreaks easy, i.e. LEMONADE.

So here are the things I made out of this lemon of a year:

  1. Endless summer memories – I spent many months staying home with my son during the spring and summer. It was HARD and I got to watch in little moments every day as he went from a toddler to a boy.
  2. Time talking to my people – Without the easy in-person interaction I was forced to reach out to my core people in ways that would have felt awkward before.
  3. At-home therapy – I started seeing an adoption/trauma-informed family counselor in Dec of 2019. I am very awkward and self-conscious in person but found such freedom and depth in the flexible sessions that we’ve had since March.
  4. The author of my favorite book, Ella Enchanted, read the entire book on Facebook to help us survive lockdown.
  5. Hobbies, etc – I picked up loom weaving and an appreciation for Taylor Swift thanks to a less full calendar.

There are more micro things, but those are some good lemon tarts.

Now as we sit on the edge of 2021 I want to encourage you to take it slow, don’t hold this year under the microscope, it won’t be “all better” on Day One. We have to find the good and do the next right thing.

Which brings me to my Word for the New Year…

On Christmas Eve, in the span of 30 minutes, I lost my wallet and my car went haywire. I had to drop off my car at my mom’s, borrow her truck, and head back to my last stop to get my wallet. I had all this Christmas Eve stuff to do and I was wasting time driving all over the tri-city area (no one else watching Phienase and Ferm endlessly…just me, cool).

Anyhow, as I was driving to get my wallet all mad and put out I got that nudge. I could feel God recalibrating my perspective. A-my car was ok enough to get me to my mom’s, and B-a nice human had found my wallet and me on Facebook to return it.

I was upset when really everything was just fine. I could hear God say, – just rest. Not only in the calm down way, but also in the rest in Him way. Now I was not on board in that moment. I knew He was right about the situation, but REST . . . for a whole year?! I can barely sit still in my own house without bouncing from task to task.

But, of course he had me set. Just then the local radio station announced their next song, “Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” – YEP! I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Whether you find a verse or word or habit to focus on this year I hope you lean into God’s direction for your heart.

Happy 2021 Friends!