
Welcome to Oliverway and Co. We are so glad you stopped by. We aim to make this space an extension of our family room, so settle in and feel free to share your two cents!

family photo in turkey
Spring 2019

Who We Are

Oliver – Derek is the husband piece of our family. He’ll drop in from time to time to chat, but most of what he does is behind the scenes. He is fiercely loyal and has a big father/big brother/uncle protective streak. We call him the oracle of our family. After all he can tell you just about any detail about our life, even stretching years back. Mostly he acts as the foundation of Oliverway supporting my crazy ideas while keeping a real world perspective in sight.

Way – Hi, Shari here! I’m the mom unit of our little bunch. You could say I’m the rouge one in the family. I am the most likely to change my mind, cry just because, and come up with a “fantastic plan” we must put into action immediately. If you want a snapshot of be through a psychology/astrology/personality lens, I am a Gemini, INFP, Enneagram 9, First Born with anxiety and people pleasing thrown in for good measure.

My first love is reading, with the obvious follow-up of writing. I studied Literature and Communication at university. I have worked in the mental health, customer service, and hospital admin fields. This little site here is my attempt to corral all the content I enjoy creating, but rarely set a good structure to.

& Co. – This is the children, etc. portion of our family. We currently sit at one boy child – Dominick, one beautiful boxer mix – Josie (who was our first baby), and her two shaggy pups – Colt and Luna. All well loved, and frequently documented (really that’s mostly Dominick)!