
2020: Redeem

Happy New Decade Gang!

Anyone else feel very old, and very energized at the same time? . . . Just me? That’s ok too!

The New Year used to be the only time I made plans or tried to hit new goals. But several things changed over the last half decade and I wanted to share them with you. (I’ll get to the whole redeemed story soon so don’t go anywhere!)

I look at my life in sections, like volumes in a collection. In 2014 I finished up the “running through life” part. I had experienced an intense space of numbness in my spirit and went out on a limb landing in the arms of some truly godly women. They were years into a group study/fellowship routine and about to do a Restreat, yes we made up our own word.

We also picked a word to center us for the upcoming year. You can read all about each word I’ve had from 2015-2019 here, but the point I’m slowly making is that 2015 began the next section of my life which was very clearly about waking up and actually doing something about stuff I wasn’t happy with.

I realized I was going through the motions of life with very little concern for how my mind, body, spirit, etc were doing. Was I happy? Did I want to get better at X? Had my husband and I grown closer? I was not considering any of these things unless there was a GIANT issue I couldn’t ignore.

So between my Bible study, personal development, parenting development, writing, creating, and recovery this section of life has been all about gathering tools. And let me tell you, these tools are not all created equal and some of them come with heavy discomfort price tags. But where in life did I get the idea that anything worth having would be easy to get?

Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story– those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,

Psalm 107:2

Today I think I’m entering a new section. And while I think it will look different at the end, I’m using the working title, the expression section. I find that I apply things to my life that I talk about. Reading and learning new things is only part of the journey to using the information. We have an easier time practicing when we internalize the tools to the point that we can explain them to others.

I also feel so strongly that God is doing a good work in me that will soon bear it’s first fruit. I believe he will REDEEM the pains of previous seasons and create something better.

~ Now that I’ve gone the long route to the original intent of this post, let me tell you how God gave me another re- word this year. ~

In October our church hosts an all-girl youth event. Every year we tease next year’s theme and we are doing a big 10 year celebration with Ruth as the main story. So my friend sends me this image to show at the event and in giant letters it says “Redeemed” over this wheat field….Y’all I literally started crying! Since year two I have had at least one- “what if He doesn’t give me a re- word this year” panic moment. I always promise myself to be ok with whatever word he brings me. And every year it comes. I mean for the last FIVE years God has been faithful in this small way that shows me He sees me and KNOWS me.

So when this word came sliding in months before I even had time to worry I just came undone. Because this year has been beyond difficult. We have had such uncertainty with work, which means finance uncertainty. And we lost two irreplaceable pillars in our family. I see God in this. I know He sees me. And I believe without question that He has big plans for my life and spirit in the year and years to come.

Thank you for listening, and leave your Word of the Year below!



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