Blog, Word

2017: Rejoice

To say I was overjoyed at this year’s word would be cheesy and true. I try to really let God give me my word every year. This year I hadn’t had time to give it much focus and I was worried when I first sat down that it might be brave. (Man I did not want that one, but I knew it was possible.) Thankfully I was led to Zephaniah 3:17.

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing. ESV

Again a word that follows the re- format. I love how that works out. It feels like these three years will fit together as a time in my life that I had to re-view or re-learn my lessons from God. At the beginning, in 2015, God started this stage of my life and spiritual journey with Remain. I had so much desire to totally change and run to the end…skip the work and enjoy the “new me.” God knew I needed the reminder to wait and let Him refine me in His own time. Little did I know that remain would be even more appropriate as we waited to bring “Bo” home. Those long weeks were full of remaining and God was so good to us in that time.

This past year was more about endurance, and God was very clear in giving me Return as my word to hold on to. I took my troubles and worries on myself, and then returned them to Him over and over again. But it got easier and became more fluid as I learned slowly how to hold things with an open hand. I still have so much growing to do in that area, but 2016 was a good start.

And so we have come to 2017. I feel so blessed to have survived the wild ride of the last 13 months. God has continually guided me and confirmed his promises as we pray for the future.


In the good times and the bad I will aim to Rejoice in Him.

Happy New Year!


(Originally written Jan 2017 here)

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