
Come On By Oliverway

Welcome welcome! This is the new space to find out what the Olivers are up to! I’m giving blogging a real shot (finally) so I can join in on this global community. The more we spread out and the more we “advance,” the more we lose that connection to each other. And yet, the more we spread out and hop around the more diverse our stories become. I’m excited to have a space to share and grow, hopefully with you!

I’m not great at fully expressing my opinion or my perspective in the moment. I’m more of a quiet person, and I won’t talk over someone, so when it comes to group conversations I tend to be more of a listener. In addition to that my anxiety is mostly activated by social stuff. So, again (bleh) I’m just not as likely to engage because I may be over thinking the whole set up. So I find myself here, sharing our mess ups and our victories.

So, what is Oliverway? Who are we? The name story is pretty simple. Many moons ago, when we bought our first home. I immediately thought about what to call it.  I kept thinking about the Gilmore Girls episode when they are thinking about what to call their house, or was it the new Inn…? I haven’t re-watched in a while. Anyway, they never came up with anything better than the “Crap Shack,” but I just latched onto that idea. So when it came to our first home I wanted something with meaning, you know something with a story. That is the first time I used “Oliverway”. It’s part of my maiden name and our family name blended together.

I just loved it right away. As we have grown it has taken on lots of meanings but I’ll get to that later. When I sat down to name our blog it was the first thing that came to mind. That blending of families, of histories is what I want to look at, what I want you to share. Our stories are a big part of who we, and who we aren’t.

So this is us. We live life the Oliverway. We’d love to have you join us, and share how your family does life.



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